by Mantra & shlokas on Monday, May 30, 2011 at 11:49am

Vande Yugalam Divyam Jagat Utpatti Kaaranam;
Prapadye Sharanam Paad Pankajam Bhava Bhiti Haaranam. 1
Bhajami Kameshwaram Shashwatam Naatham Prakritisya Nirgunam;
Namaste Kameshwarim Sureshwarim Koti Brahmand Jananim. 2
Dhyayami Shivam TrilokNaatham Shankaram Kalyan Rupam;
Smaredambikam KalyanaDaatrim Dhaatrim Sumukhim DivyamAnant Rupaam. 3
- Shri Yogesh
Salutation to the Divine Couple :
I bow unto the divine couple, who is the cause of the creation of this Universe
I seek Shelter of their lotus feet, who remove the fear of life and death.
I worship the eternal one whose wish has generated this world Who is detached from all virtues, in spite of being the Lord Of Maya
I bow unto the Goddess who created this world (as per the wish of BrahmaN), the Mother of millions of Universe
I meditate up on Shivji, the master of the three worlds (Heaven- above, Earth - ground and Paataal - beneath the ground), Bhagavan Shankar who is an idol of mercy and grace;
I remember Ambika who is the giver of all auspicious things, who is the one who up holds the universe, who is with the most auspicious beautiful face, who is divine and endless.
- Shri Yogesh

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