Shani dev is not our enemy but he is our Friend. There is needless terror about God Shani in the minds of people. Unlike other Gods in the pantheon, why are you scared of God Shani ? Although he is your friend, and not your enemy? In our day to day life, there is a great place of importance for strength and mercy in our lives. God Shani occupies a place of fear in the minds of most people in India.
Our bodies are constituted of five great elements. Therefore, these elements have a profound influence on us. These planets thus control us continuously. God Shani occupies the seventh place in the constellation of the nine ‘grahas’ which control the world. God Shani exerts more power than the power of gravity itself. Therefore, when we think good or bad thoughts and make plans, they reach God Shani by the strength of his power. Thus, good results in good. And bad begets bad results soon.
The planets control the whole Universe, but Lord Shani is the chief controller. Shani is also known as a chief controller among the jury of planets. Lord Shani decides the results of the fructification of our Karmas and all the planets give malefic or benefic results depending upon such karmas of a native. We all living beings are bounded to the chains of our Karmas and have have to undergo their good and bad results.
There are no "defects" in your procedure. You may add the following if possible. Donating 13 kgs of sesame seeds(Nalla nuvvulu) and Sesame oil of the same quantity(Nuvvulu noone--13 liters) to a spiritual person of your choice.When offering him also offer a black leather slipper and a black chattra(umbrella). (Shani Yantram) Then as per normal traditonal custom, a Shani-maha-homa is done. I think you can easily conduct that in a temple. Try to give a donation to Mandeshwaram Shani temple in Andhra or Darbharanya shani temple in Tamilnadu(Thirunallar) You may also do the following sadhana after reading shani Sahasranama that day or a shani puja conducted in temple with blue flowers.(Try to seek a temple where shani stays with his shakthi like Neelambika). Sadhana of Saturn 1. The day of shani trayodashi should become with a Thaila snana(Sesame oil bath) 2. Have a bath and wear black or dark blue clothes. Sit facing the East. 3. Before yourself on the ground draw a triangle with lamp black(deepam masi) and on it place a copper plate. In the plate draw an eight petalled lotus with lamp black and on it place the Shani Yantra(if you can procure one from any shop. 4. Offer rice grains dyed black with lamp black on the Yantra chanting Om Sham Om. After this chant the following Mantras. Anga and Karnyasam Chant each time gracing the fingers indicated.
Om Sham Shaneishcharaya Angushtthaabhyaam Namah (both thumbs). Om sham Mandagataye Tarjaneebhyaam Namah (forefingers). Om sham Adhokshajaaya Madhyamaabhyaam Namah (middle fingers). Om sham Krishnaangaaya Anaamikaabhyaam Namah (ring fingers). Om sham Sushkodaraaya Kanishtthikaabhyaam Namah (small fingers) Om sham Chaayaatmajaaya Karatalakara Prishtthaabhyaam Namah (backside of both palms) Hridyaadinyaas Chant thus touching the body part indicated. Similarly for Anganyaasa. 5. Then with a Spathika mala chant 5 rounds of the following Mantra.
Praam Preem Proum Saha Shanishcharaaya Swaha. 6. After the Mantra chanting offer three black or blue flowers on the Yantra. If black flowers are not available then offer white flowers smeared with lamp-black(soot from a lamp) 7. After Sadhana pray to Saturn chanting thus - Shani Dasanaama Stotra Konnasthaha Pingalo Babhruh Krishnno Roudraantako YamahASourih Shanishcharo Mandah Pipplaaden Sanstutah. Etaani DashA Naamaani Praatruthaay Yah Patthet ShanishcharA Kritaa Peedaa Na Kadaachit Bhavishyati. i.e. Konnastha, Pingala, babhru, Krishnna, Roudra, Antaka, Yama, Shanishchar, Souri and Manda are the ten names of Saturn and whoever chants these names(GETTING UP IN THE MORNING) is protected from Saturn’s wrath. Chant the above verse 11 times. Then do the Pippalada stotra and Dasharatha kritha shani stotras 19 times each. And when you do graha-dana for shani chant the stotra and give. 8. Join both palms and then chant thus - Neelaghutim Shooladharam Kirothinam, Gughrasthitam Traasakaaram Dhanurdharam.
Chaturbhujam Sooryasutam Prashaantam, Vande Sadaabheeshta Karam Varennyam. 9. After the Sadhana let the Yantra and rosary remain at the same place. Do the Sadhana for 11 nights, After completion of Sadhana tie
the Yantra and rosary in a black cloth and drop the bundle in a river or pond.(do not mix any nails or black thread in it--that is a tantric procedure) and do not put this into a sewage but a good water source like a clean well. This procedure is also given in some sites but they do not mention in such detail, also there are lot of spelling mistakes.
Results: Your sins and bad karmas for three past births and this birth will be substantially reduced thus paving way for gnaana. ------------------------- Dasaratha Shani Stotram Om. asya shree shanaishchara stotrasyadashratha rishishanaish-charo-devatatrishtup chandahahshanaish-chara preety-arthe jape viniyogahdasharatha uvacha Om. Of Sri Shani Stotra, Dasharatha is the Rishi (seer of the mantra). Shanaishchara is god (related to this hymn). Trishtup is metre. Enjoined is repetition (of this hymn) for the appeasement of Shanaishchara (Saturn). kono-antaka roudra-yama-tha babhruhkrishnah shanih pingala manda sourihnityam smrito yo harate cha peedamtasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana (Saturn), who when regularly remembered as (the ten names listed in the first and second line of this verse) steals away the suffering (misfortune of the devotee). sura asurah kim purusha ragendragandharva vidyadhara panna-gash chapeedyanti sarve vishama-stitenatasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, by whose unfavourable position, gods, demons, celestial beings, celestial musicians, celestial masters of various wisdom-teachings and even celestial snakes succumb to sufferings. nara narendra pashavo mrigendravanyas-cha ye keeta-patanga-bringahpeedyanti sarve vishama-stitenatasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavourable position brings agony to laymen, emperors, common animals, huge animals, forest creatures, insects, flies and humming bees (irrespective of their status). desah-cha durgani vanani Yatrasena-nivesah pura-pattnanipeedyanti sarve visham-stitenatasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, whose unfavourable position brings about suffering to countries, citadels, forests, war-camps, houses and cities. tilairya-vair-masha gudanna danaihiohena neelambara danato vapreenati mantrair-nijavasare chatasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is appeased by giving in charity things like sesame, paddy, black-gram, molasses, rice pudding, iron, blue cloth etc., and by chanting mantras on his own day (Saturday).
prayaga-koole Yamuna tate chasarasvati punya-jale guhayamyo yoginam dhyana-gatopi sookshmastasmai namah shree ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who manifests in subtle form before the yogis who meditate on him at any holy bank of prayag (confluence) of two rivers; Yamuna and Saraswati, or in a cave. anya-pradeshat swagriham pravishtastadeeya-vare sa narah sukhe syatgrihad gato yo na punah prayatitasmai namah sri ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who bestows happiness to a person when He enters His own house (constellation); (though) when He leaves the house, does not return for a long time. srashta swayam-bhoor bhuvana trayasyatrata hareesho harate pinakeeekas tridhah rig yajuh sama murtistasmai namah sri ravi-nandanaya Prostrations to Sri Ravinandana, who is the creator of three worlds, who is the self-manifested being, who is Hari the protector and Pinakin (Siva, bearer of the three pointed spear or pinaka), the destroyer, all in one, as well as the embodiment of the three-fold Vedas; Rig, Yajus and Saman. konasthah pingala babruhkrishno roudroantako yamahsourih shanaish-charo mandaypippalandena sam stutah Thus, Pippalada praises Thee. etani dasha-namanipratar-uthaya yah pathetshanaishchara-krita peedana kadachid bhavishyati Harih Om He who chants these ten names, getting-up early in the morning, will never suffer from the pain caused by Saturn. Harih Om. -------------------------- Powerful Pippaladha proktha shani stotra: namaste koNa saMsthaaya pingalaaya namo.astu te.namaste babhruruupaaya krushhNaaya cha namo.astu te.namaste raudradehaaya namaste chaantakaaya cha.namaste yamasaMj~naaya namaste sauraye vibho.namaste mandasaMj~naaya shanaishchara namo.astu te.
prasaadaM kuru devesha diinasya praNatasya cha| Couple this with violet fire burning in your heart while doing the sadhana. However, I should caution you that when you do such ushna-sdahanas(heat creating sadhanas) drink a cool sherbeth like Rooh-af-zah or Shahi-ccol sherbeth or Brahmi Sharbeth to cool your system down. Also drink lots of buttermilk mixed with salt without any chillies or thalimpu(seasoning) Hope this helps... best of luck in your sadhanic venture. Yours yogically, Shreeram Balijepalli
Purity, Powers, Parabrahmam...

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