Monday, 4 July 2011

Sri Mahalakshmi !! Symbol of Beauty,Grace,Endurance...!!!

Namastheysthu Mahamaye Sripeedey Sura Poojithey
Shanga Chakra Gadha Hasthey Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Namasthey Garudaroodey Kolasura Bayangari
Sarva Papahareydevi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Sarvajye Sarva Varadhey Sarva Dhushta Bayangari
Sarva Dhukha Harey Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Sidhi Budhi Pradhey Devi Bhukthi Mukthi Pradhayini
Manthra Moorthey Sadha Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Abyantha Rahithey Devi Adi Sakti Maheswari
Yogajey Yoga Samboothey Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Sthoola Sookshma Maha Roudrey Mahasakthi Mahodharey
Maha Papa Harey Devi Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Pamasana Sthithey Devi Parambrahma Swaroopini
Paramesi Jaganmatha: Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

Swethambaratharey Devi Nanalangara Booshithey
Jagthsthithey Jagan Matha: Mahalakshmi Namosthuthey

(When you read this stotra word by word, every word has got so much of meanings!!  Catch every meaning of it and  read  !! Please !!)

Sri Mahalakshmi - The consort of Lord Maha Vishnu personify Beauty,  kindness, Wealth, Prosperity, Fame.  Sri Lakshmi is the duaghter of Maharishi Brigu and Khayati.  So she is also known as 'Bargavi'.  Whenever Lord Maha Vishnu takes Avatharam on this Earth, leaving the Vaikundham and all the comforts and luxuries behind in order to save us from this Samsara (Wordly bondages)   Aayi Mahalakshmi also follows Him.  In Threytha Yuga  when Rama Avatharam took place, Sri Lakshmi   followed Him as Sita. In the Dwapara Yuga when Lord Vishnu took the avatharam of  Krishna Aayi Mahalakshmi followed Him as Sri Rugmini.  When Lord Vishnu took the avatharam of Vamana - He had to listen the strict order of  Sri Lakshmi, who is not willing to get down from his chest.  So it is widely known the fact that Lord Vishnu's consort living - Lakshmi vasam -  in His Chest.

Sri Mahalakshmi is the symbol of 'Kshama' - (endurance) . In Srimad Sundarakandam when Anjaneya approaches Sitadevi in the Asoka Vatika and explain about Sri Rama's state of mind without Devi.  Rama is not taking  any food whatever Lakshman provide him will be taken with an intention to make His brother satisfied.   He is not sleeping well and whenever he mooves around He is unaware of the worms and dangerous insects.  Anjaneya explained to Sita about the wrecked state of Sri Rama.  Finally, Anjaneya express his will to carry Devi on his shoulder, back to Sri Rama's cottage in Sugriva's Palace.  Sita devi refuse the offer of Anjaneya generously, by saying that She may fall on the Sea while carrying from Lanka and the whales swallow her and she adds that she may be attacked by  the Rakshasa,  fall on the earth and sacrfice her life.  Why Sita Devi had to discourage Anjaneya?  The Mother of the Universe - Aayi Mahalakshmi is scared of anything?  No.  It shows her genorosity, kindness the patience above all her 'Pativratha Dharmam'.  She heartily wish Sri Rama should kill the Rakshasa King Ravana and set her free from the Asoka Vatika.   This is also one of the beautiful parts in Srimad Sundarakandam by Valmiki.

Please listen to Sri Anantha Padmachariyar's Srimad Sundarakandam discourse for more details. 

Sri Mahalakshmi - As an Aayi (Mother) doing her marvelous job of recommending all our sins in  a lighter way to Our Father - Sri Mahavishnu.  Everytime we approaches Thayar with all our sins and ask her to advise Sri Vishnu, with a request to forgive us in order to escape from the punishments.  And we put Sri Vishnu in dilemma whether to punish or not.  Finally, the Thayar's judgment will work  ' Namma Kozhanthai, Vittudungo'  'Set him/her free, They are our Children'.  There is a saying that when we visit Lord Vishnu early in the morning, there is no question of punishments.  Blessings of Lord is assured, because He will be in a satisfied mood of thinking about previous night's divine company of Thayar.   Importantly they are known as 'Divya Dampathis' (divine couple).

So  the next time when you visit Lord Vishnu make yourself ready to leave early in the have chances to save yourself.

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