Monday, 4 July 2011



(from Gita govinda) by Jayadeva Goswami

pralaya-payodhijale dhrtavanasi vedam
vihitavahitra- caritra- makhedam
kesava dhrta minasarira
jaya jagadisa hare
O God, in the form of a fish! In the flood of dissolution you have held up the revealed knwoledge of the Vedas, like a boat, without effort.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

ksitirati-vioulatare tava tishati prsthe
kesava dhrta kacchaparupa
jaya jagadisa hare
O God, in the form of Tortoise! On the ample expanse of your back, calloused by the burden of the earth that it bears, securely stands the world.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

vasati dasanasikhare dharani tava lagna
sasini kalankakaleva nimagna
kesava dhrta sukararupa
jaya jagadisa hare
O God, in the form of the Boar! The world restsin peace on the tip of your tusk, like the dark marking ont he disc of the moon.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

tava kara kamalavare
dalita hiranyakasipu varabrngam
kesava dhrta naraharirupa
jaya jagadisa hare
O God, in the form of Man-Lion! In your hand of lotus like beauty, are the finger nails with their wonderful tips which have torn as under the most powerful demon Hiranyakasipu, as if he was a huge insect.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

Chalayasi vikramane balim adbhutavamana
kesave dhrta vamanarupa
jaya jagadisa hare
O God, in the form of dwarf! By planting your feet you have cheated Bali, the mighty .  Ganga, the river which sanctifies the world, has come out of you rtoe-nails.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

ksatriyarudhiramaye jagadapagata papam
snapayasi payasi samitabhavatapam
kesave dhrta bhrgupatirupa
jaya jagadisa hare.
O God, in the form of the Lord of the Bhrigus, you have bathed the world in the blood of the tyrannous rulers, thus cleansing it of sin and destroying the misery of its relative existence.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

vitarasi diksu rane dikpatikamantyam
dasamukha-mauli-balim ramaniyam
kesava dhrta ramasarira
Jaya jagadisa hare
O God in the body of Sri Rama! You have a made a beautiful offering of the ten heads of the demon Ravana in battle to the  guardians of the cardinal directions.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

Vahasi vapusi visade vasaanam jaladabhanam
keshava dharta-haladharrupa
jaya jagadisha hare.
O God , in the form of Balarama,the bearer of the plough! You wear on your immaculate body a garment of  the colour of the clouds, blue like the Yamuna, darkened by the fear of being dragged by your plough.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

Nindasi yajnavidhe-rahaha srutijatam
sadaya - hrdya darshitapasughatam
kesava dharta buddhasarira
jaya jagadisha hare.
O God, in the body of Buddha, the enlightened! Out of compssion of your heart you have condemned the ritualistic portion of the vedas ordaining the killing of the animals .
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

maleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavalam
dhumaketumiva kimapi karalam
kesava dharta kalsisarira
jaya jagadish hare.
O God, in the form of Kalki! For the destruction of wicked , you carry a meteor-like sword in your hand, trailing a train of disaster to them.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

srnu subhadam sukhadam bahvasaram
kesave dharta dasavidhiraupa
jaya jagadish hare.
O God, who took ten forms! Please listen to the song of Jayadeva.It bestows goodness, and joy; it is the essence of life.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!

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