Sharad Purnima 2010 or Khojagari Purnima 2010 : Legend and Importance
by Mantra & shlokas on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 2:33pm

Sharad Purnima, also spelt as Sharat Poornima or Kojagari Purnima, is the Full Moon day in the month of Ashwin. Sharad Purnima 2010 date is October 22. It is celebrated as harvest as the rainy season comes to an end and agriculture will be on peak in many regions of India. Kaumudi Puja or Koumudi Utsav is also celebrated along with Kojagari Lakshmi Puja on Sharat Poornima. Moon God is also called as Kaumudi.
As per the popular Hindu belief, Lord Krishna has begun his divine Raas Lila with Radha and Gopis on the Sharat Purnima night. On Sharad Purnima day, devotees observe vigil and perform Lakshmi Puja. This day falls on Sharad ritu hence it is called as Sharad Poornima. As per a legend of Sharad Purnima Lakshmi Puja, a King was suffering from financial problems. When his Queen performed the Kojagari Lakshmi vrata, his all problems were ruined out and he ruled his kingdom without any more problems.
Kojagari Lakshmi Pooja is observed on the Full Moon day in the month of Ashwin.
Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2010 date is October 22. It is mainly observed in Eastern Indian states – Bengal, Orissa and Assam and some other parts of Western parts of India. Kojagari Vrat is also observed in Central Indian regions – Budelkhand and some parts of Bihar, especially Darbhanga region.
Kojagari Lakshmi puja or Kojagiri Lakshmi vrat is the popular Lakshmi puja observed on Sharat Poornima day or Kojagiri Poornima in Ashwin month. Kojagari Lakshmi Puja katha or story is associated with a poor Brahmin called Valit who lived in Magadha. Kojagari Lakshmi Puja 2010 date is October 22nd. As per the Puranas, Valkhilya Maharshi explained Kojagari Vrat katha and the significance of Kojagari Lakshmi vrat to other rishis. Kojagari Laxmi vrat katha goes like this…
Valit was a very holy man and religious person. He had a wife named Chandini who used to harass him even for small things. She used to oppose him in every issue. He knew her attitude and when he was to perform his father’s shraddh ritual he told her that he will not perform it. As per her nature, he insisted him on performing it by calling Brahmins. When Valit asked his wife to throw the Pindas into the river, she threw them in a cesspool.
Disgusted with the cruel attitude of his wife, Valit leaves the house and reached a forest. There he saw three Nagkanyas performing Kojagari Lakshmi vrat. They invited him to play dice with them. Valit played dice with them and by the grace and blessings of Goddess Lakshmi he won tons of money and gold. He returned to home with huge wealth. Chandini, his wife, welcomed him happily and lived with prosperity for ever.
Significance of Kojagari Lakshmi Pooja:
As per Hindu scriptures and Hindu beliefs, the favorite day for Goddess Laxmi is Poornima. Devotees believe that on the day of Purnima, Goddess Lakshmi visits their houses and blesses them with wealth, health and prosperity. Ashwin purnima, also called as Sharad Purnima, is more auspicious because Ashwin is the favorite month for Goddess Lakshmi.
Procedure of Kojagiri Lakshmi Puja – How to do Laxmi Pooja on Kajagari Purnima?
On the day of Kojagari Lakshmi Pooja, devotees install clay idols of Goddess Laxmi in their houses and worship her. The main ritual or tradition is drawing of Alpana. Alpona patterns or designs refer Goddess Laxmis feet. Shodashopachar Puja (16 steps of puja) is performed to Lakshmi. Some special recipes or sweets are made on the day of Kojagiri Lakshmi puja and offered to Goddess laxmi.
The procedure and the other steps of the Kojagiri Lakshmi pooja may differ from place to place and community to community. In some temples or in spiritual or devotional organizations, Sarvajanik Lakshmi pooja is done on Kajagiri Poornima day.
- Kojagari Lakshmi Vrat coincides with harvest festival called ‘Navanna. Navanna is the day from when new grain or paddy of the harvest season is generally consumed.
- Alpana or Alpona are Rangoli designs or patterns specially drawn in Bengal, Orissa and some other regions of Eastern parts of India.
- In Gujarat, Maharashtra and some other parts of India Kojagari Purnima is observed as Sharad Purnima vrat. Kaumudi Utsav is also observed on Sharad Purnima. Kaumudi is the Moon God who is also referred as the brother of Goddess Lakshmi.
But how to perform this Puja?