Ninth Day of Navratri – Maha Navami, Mahishasura Mardini Puja, Siddhidhatri Puja, Matangi Puja, and Mukteswari Puja
by Mantra & shlokas on Friday, October 15, 2010 at 2:11pm

Ninth day of Navratri is known as Maha Navami Durga Puja. Maha Navami 2010 date is October 16th, Saturday. Mahanavami is the last day of Navratri which concludes with SAraswati Visarjan or Saraswati Udyapan. It is also culminates Devi Triratra vrata (3-day or 3-night Devi vrata).
Mahishasura Mardhini Puja is observed on Mahanavami. Goddess Durga is decorated and worshipped in the form of Mahishasuramardhini alankaram. The last and ninth Navadurga Goddess Siddhidhatri Puja is performed by Navadurga Shakteya sampradaaya people.
Matangi Dasamahavidya is worshipped on Mahanavami as a part of Dasamahavidya puja in Navratri. Mukteshwari is the Goddess to worship on ninth day of Navratri as part of Saptamatrika and Ashtamatrika puja.
Suvasini Puja, Kanya Puja, Dampati Puja, etc. are observed on Mahanavami day in Navratri. In some places of Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh, Bathukamma festival is celebrated.
Matangi. Dusky, beautiful browed, her three eyes like lotuses, seated on a jewelled lion-throne, surrounded by gods and others serving her, holding in her four lotus-like hands a noose and a sword, a shield and a goad, thus I remember Matangi, the giver of results, the Modini.
The Matangi Mantra as per Mantra Mahaodadhi:
"Om Hreem Aim Shreem Namo Bhagavati Ucchisthachandali Sri Matangeswari Sarvagyanavashamkari Swaha"
Mahanavami 2010 – Maha Navami Puja during Durga Navratri 2010
Mahanavami is celebrated on Ashwin Shukla Paksha Navami, the ninth day of Durga Navratri. In 2010, the date of Mahanavami is October 16. Maha Navami is the last day of 9-day festival, Sharad Navaratri. As per Hindu beliefs, Durga puja on Maha Navami is equal to Durga pooja performed on all 9 days of Durga Navaratri. Goddess Siddhidatri puja is performed on Mahanavami day.
On Mahanavami day, in South Indian states especially in Kerala, Ayudha Pooja is performed. Tools, operators, instruments and books are worshipped. The next day of Mahanavami is observed as Vijaya Dashami. In some rural places, Janthu bali (animal sacrifices) are performed on Mahanavami day. It is to be noted that Hindu culture and society is against animal sacrifices.
Kanya Puja 2010 – Kumari Pooja during Durga Navratri
Kanya Puja, also known as Kumari Pooja or Kanjak Pooja, is the main ritual observed on Mahanavami during Durga Navratri. Kanya Puja 2010 date is October 16. In some regions, Kanya Pooja is performed on Durgashtami. Kanya or Kumari Puja is a ritual of worshipping a girl aged between six and twelve, symbolising the Kanya Kumari (virgin) form of Goddess Durga Devi. Devotees perform the Kanya Puja in front of the idol of Goddess Durga. Devotees believe that a Kanya is a living replica of the Goddess Durga.
A young girl aged 1 year to 12 years who is not attained puberty considered as a Kanya for Kanya Puja. The Kanya Kumari is named according to her age:
- 1 year – Sandhya,
- 2 years – Saraswati,
- 3 years – Tridhamurthi,
- 4 years – Kalika,
- 5 years – Subhaga,
- 6 years – Uma,
- 7 years – Malini,
- 8 years – Kuvjika,
- 9 years – Kalasandarbha,
- 10 years – Aparajita,
- 11 years – Rudrani,
- 12 years – Bhairavi and
- 13 years – Mahalaxmi.
Kumari Puja or Kanya Poojan – Important ritual during Durga Navratri
Kumari Puja or Kanya Poojan is one of the main rituals during Durga Navratri. In some places, it is a daily ritual of 9 day-festival. Why Kanya Pujan is performed as a part of Durga Puja? This is a perplexing question we were aksed several times here. Kanya Puja 2010 or Kumari Puja 2010 date is October 15th in some places and October 16, 2010, in other places. Durga or any other Mother Goddess is equal to the universal energy. To recongnise the feminine energy vested in virgin girl or Kumari and to support them with some offerings Kanya Puja is performed. To say that they are as important as boy child or so-called heirs, Kumari Pooja is a must observed ritual in any puja.
Goddess Durga is worshipped in nine avatars during Navratri. Some of the forms appear in Kumari or Kanya form of the Goddess like Bala Tripura Sundari and some other manifestations of Navadurga. To please the Goddess, puja to virgin girl is important. One year old girls are not allowed to be worshipped as Kanya because they dont able to receive bhogas and granthas.Here is the list of Kanya puja
Kanyakas and their age:
- 2- year old Kanya – Kumari
- 3-year old – Trimurthi
- 4-year old – Kalyani
- 5-years old – Rohini
- 6-year old – Kalika
- 7-year old – Chandika
- 8-year old – Shambhavi
- 9-year old – Durga
- 10-year old – Subhadra
Kumarasya cha thathwanni yaa srujathyapi leelaya
Kaadeenapi cha devam stham kumareem pujaya myaham
Trimurti Puja Stotram
Sathwadhibhi sthreemurti rya thwairhi nanaswarupini
Trikaala vyaapini shakti – sthreemurthim pujayamyaham
Kalyani Puja Stotram
Kalyanakarini nityam bhaktanam pujita nishamPujayami cha thaam bhakthya kalyaneem sarvakamadaam
Rohini Puja Stotram
Rohayaniti cha beejani pragjanma sanchaitanivai
Yaa devi sarvabhootanam rohineem pujayamyaham
Kalika Pooja Stotram
Kali kalayathe sarvam brahmandam sacharacharam
Kalpantha samaya yaa thaam kalikaam pujayamyaham
Chandika Pooja Stotram
Chandikam chandarupaam cha chandamunda vinashineem
Thaam chanda papaharineem chandikaam pujayamyaham
Shambhavi Pooja Stotram
Aakaranaa thsamutpatthi ryanmayai parikeerthitha
Yasya sthaam sukhadaam deveem shambhaveem pujayamyaham
Durga Pooja Stotram
Durga thrayathi bhaktam yaa sadaa durgarthinashini
Durgneyaa sarvadevanam thaam durgaam pujayamyaham
Subhadra Pooja Stotram
Subhadrani cha bhaktanam kuruthe pujitha sadaa
Abhadranashinim deveem subhadram pujayamyaham
Maha Navami or Ninth day of Navratri 2010 – Dedicated to Goddess Mahishasura Mardhini

Maha Navami or the ninth day of Durga Navratri is very important usually as it is the last day of Navratri. Mahishasura Mardhini is the fiercest form of the Goddess, who in which form she demolished Mahishasura. In 2010, Goddess Durga is decorated and worshipped as Mahishasura Mardhini on October 16th in most of the South Indian temples, especially in Vijayawada Kanaka Durga temple.
In Durga Saptashati, it is mentioned that Goddess Mahalakshmi with 18 arms (Astadasha bhujas) with all Devi& Devata Shaktis demolished Chamara and many demons and then Mahishasura. As the Goddess killed Mahisha on Navami day, it is known as Maharnavami.
Siddhidatri Navdurga – Dhyana Mantra and Spiritual importance
Siddhidatri navdurga, ninth and the last aspect of Goddess Durga, is worshipped on the last day or the ninth day or Mahanavami day during Durga Navaratri. In 2010, Siddhidatri Puja date is October 16th.
Siddhidatri Puja and Dhyana Mantra:Siddha gandharva yakshadhyie asuraira marairapiSevya maanaa sadaa bhooyaath siddhidaa Siddhidaayini
Siddhidatri dhyana mantra is the best stotra to recite for attaining all types of Siddhis and Nidhis. This mantra is recited on Mahanavami day during Navratri to get blessings of the Goddess. Siddhidatri Navadurga devi is worshipped by sadhaks or Siddhas to acquire all chakras and spiritual procedures with their attentive sadhanas. They develop competendy to conquer the whole world by performing Siddhidhatri pooja.
Matangi Devi
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Matangi. Dusky, beautiful browed, her three eyes like lotuses, seated on a jewelled lion-throne, surrounded by gods and others serving her, holding in her four lotus-like hands a noose and a sword, a shield and a goad, thus I remember Matangi, the giver of results, the Modini.
The Matangi Mantra as per Mantra Mahaodadhi:
"Om Hreem Aim Shreem Namo Bhagavati Ucchisthachandali Sri Matangeswari Sarvagyanavashamkari Swaha"
Mukteswari devi Puja on Mahanavami 2010:
Mukteshwari devi, one of the Adi Moola Dwarapaka devata is worshipped on the ninth day of Durga Sharad Navratri. Goddess Mukteshwari devi puja is performed at Melattor Unnathapureeshwari devi temple located on the Thanjavur – Thirukarukavur road in Tamilnadu. During Sharada Navratri, Maha Navami or Maharnavami puja is performed on the ninth day. In 2010, the date of Mukteshwari puja is 16 October 2010.
Hindi Main Batane Ka Kast Karain