Friday 2 September 2011

Gayatri Mantra-Significance

Gayatri Mantra-SignificanceBy Sushma Gupta
The 24 Letters of Gayatri Mantra and Significance of Each LetterThe following table gives the 24 letters of the Gayatri spell and its relation to the power.

 1. 'tat' - tapini - fruitfulness
 2 'sa' - saphaltaa - valor
 3 'vi' - vishwa - perseverance
 4 'tur' - tushti - welfare
 5 'va' - varad - yog
 6 're' - revatee - love
 7 'ni' - sookshm - wealth
 8 'yam' - gyaan - luster
 9 'bhar' - bharga - protection
10 'go' - gomatee - wisdom
11 'de' - devikaa - subjugation
12 'va' - varahi - allegiance
13 'sya' - sinhanee - determination
14 'dhee' - dhyaan - life
15 'ma' - maryaadaa - time
16 'hi' - sphutaa - penance
17 'dhi' - medhaa - forecast
18 'yo' - yogamaayaa - alertness
19 'yo' - yoginee - production
20 'nah' - dhanin - protection
21 'pra' - prabhaav - idealism
22 'cho' - ooshmaa - adventure
23 'da' - drishya - discrimination
24 'yaat' - niranjan - service.

The 24 powers of Gayatri mentioned above awaken certain qualities, and along with this awakening one starts getting success and prosperity i.e., Siddhi. Many feel that these benefits are showered by some God or Goddess. But in reality the development of the subtle force is within themselves. If they are able to know the subtle force working in them, they will realize that such benefits do not accrue of their own accord and that all of them are the results of the interplay of spiritual forces in them. Gayatri Saadhanaa and Upaasanaa are not just blind faith, but a scientific process whose development and progress are sure to yield the desired fruits.

taken from :

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