Vaisakha sukla Chaturdasi is the day Lord Sri Maha Vishnu got manifested as Lord Narasimha during Pradosha time in the constellation of Swathi in Krutha Yuga and killed the demon Hiranyakasipa. This day is celebrated as Sri Nrusimha Jayanthi. Worshipping Lord Narasimha is considered to be an effective remedy for astrological related problems especially Mars and Saturn related. Mars is considered to be the Paramatma Amsa of Nrusimhaavathara. For those born under the constellation of Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanista whose star Lord is Mars, and Swathi whose star Lord is Rahu, regular worship of Lord Narasimha will be very useful. In general for Navagraha Doshas, Apamrityu dosha, sufferings from ill health, debts, enemies, problems of evil spirits, accidents, sudden aberrations and obstacles in life etc. worship of Lord Narasimha is a suggested remedy. It will also be very useful and effective while undergoing the periods of Sade Sath, Astama Sani, and Ardhastama Sani (all related to Saturn) in the Gochaara.
The powers of these slokas are profound and overwhelming and the regular recital of them would invariably relieve everyone of their sufferings and difficulties.
This is a prayer to Lord Narasimha to get rid of the debt of Karma that have to be eliminated without which salvation cannot be achieved.
Significance of Runa Vimoc-hana Narasimha Stotram
This is a powerful sloka that when recited regularly will relieve people of their debts and insolvency however severe and acute.
Recitation of Mantra generates sounds which is divine in character.
This sound is alive and you feel its strength in every part of you. A
spiritual aspirant cannot deny its psychological effect and spiritual
significance. It is in the intrinsic nature of sacred sound to bring
human being into contact with the divine. It enables man to feel the
spiritual presence and to find it in the cavity of his own heart. We
could pray anywhere. But if the prayer is done properly and with
utmost devotion, you get glimpse of the SUPREEM FORCE.
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
The Runa Vimoc-hana Stotram is contained in the Nrusimha Purana. Every
individual incurs three kinds of debt at birth. These
are Deva Runa (debt to the Devas), Rishi Runa (debt to Rishis) and
Pitru Runa (debt to ones ancestors).
The debt could be explained also as the debt of Karma, which we have
to get rid off to attain salvation.
These are repaid by offering aahuti in Yagas, performing Veda
Adhyayanam under great masters (sages), and performing Tarpana and
Shradda, respectively.
However, these debts are so great that they cannot be repaid in ones
lifetime. The Runa referred to in this Stotra is also the bondage
arising from ones Karma on account of Samsaric association. The Runa
Vimoc-hana Stotram extols the munificent grace of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, as a result of which an individual is absolved of these debts.
The first eight verses glorify various attributes of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, each verse ending with the line " Sri Nrusimham Mahaveeram
Namaami Runa MuktayE " . Verse 9 contains the Phala Shruti for this
Stotram. The salutations Nrusimham and Mahaveeram have their origins
in the most sacred Nrusimhanushtup Mantram.
Deva karya sidhyartham, sabha sthambha samudbhavam,
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Granting boons to devotees takes on special significance in this
context. Sri Bhagwan incarnated as Narasimha from the pillar in
Hiranyakashyap's Sabha to rush to the succor of his Bhakta.
One verse extols the back-to-back forms of Sudarshana and Nrusimha. The
foremost characteristic of the Sudarshana Chakra is to destroy ones
sins and point a supplicant in the direction of the SUPREME.
Sudarshana is the fierce Jwala which forms the center of the Kala
Anala fire at the end of time).
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Oh supremely valorous Bhagavan Nrusimha, salutations to
you! Please absolve me of my debts.
Some of the very effective prayers of Lord Narasimha are Sri Narasimha Nakha Stuthi composed by the great Saint, Philosopher and founder of Dvaita Philosophy, Sri Madhvacharya himself and Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Stothram an extract from Sri Nrusimha Purana. Others in the list are Nrusimha Mantra Rajam, Nava Narasimha Mantram, Prahlada Virachita Narasimha Kavacham, Sri Nrusimha Panchamrutha Sthothram (by Lord Sri Rama), Sri Mantrarajapada Sthothram (by Lord Shiva), Sri Narasimha Sthuthi (by Sri Narayana Panditacharya), Sanaischara Virachita Sri Nrusimha Kavacham, Sri Nrusimha Karavalamba Sthothram composed by Sri Aadi Sankaracharya etc.

Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Stothram
Devata karya sidhyartham sabhasthambha samudbhavam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye!!
Lakshmyaalingitha vamangam bhakthanaam varadayakam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye!!
Aantramaladharam, sankhachakrabjaaayudha dhaarinam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Smaranath sarvapapagnam khadruja vishanasanam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Simhanadena mahatha digdhanthi bhayanasanam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Prahlada varadam Srisam daithyeswaravidharanam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Krooragrahaih peedithanam bhakthanamabhaya pradham!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Vedavedanthayajnesam BrahmaRudradhivandhitham!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Ya idham patathe nithyam runamochana samjnitham
Anruni jaayathe sadhyo, dhanam seegramavapnuyath
It is believed that Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Stothram is a very powerful prayer that is said to give speedy relief from debts and other financial crisis. This prayer will be very effective when it is chanted during Pradosha time. It is a time tested remedy and will work as an antidote for all types of sufferings as mentioned above. Irrespective of the caste and creed people strongly believe and have faith in Lord Narasimha as a source of instant remedy for many day to day problems. Lord Narasimha bestows health, education, wealth, prosperity, and relieves his devotees from all types of debts (Rinas). One only should have faith in Lord Narasimha and surrender to Him totally, who protects His devotes from internal as well as external enemies and also to overcome the weakness of ignorance.
The powers of these slokas are profound and overwhelming and the regular recital of them would invariably relieve everyone of their sufferings and difficulties.
This is a prayer to Lord Narasimha to get rid of the debt of Karma that have to be eliminated without which salvation cannot be achieved.
Significance of Runa Vimoc-hana Narasimha Stotram
This is a powerful sloka that when recited regularly will relieve people of their debts and insolvency however severe and acute.
Recitation of Mantra generates sounds which is divine in character.
This sound is alive and you feel its strength in every part of you. A
spiritual aspirant cannot deny its psychological effect and spiritual
significance. It is in the intrinsic nature of sacred sound to bring
human being into contact with the divine. It enables man to feel the
spiritual presence and to find it in the cavity of his own heart. We
could pray anywhere. But if the prayer is done properly and with
utmost devotion, you get glimpse of the SUPREEM FORCE.
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
The Runa Vimoc-hana Stotram is contained in the Nrusimha Purana. Every
individual incurs three kinds of debt at birth. These
are Deva Runa (debt to the Devas), Rishi Runa (debt to Rishis) and
Pitru Runa (debt to ones ancestors).
The debt could be explained also as the debt of Karma, which we have
to get rid off to attain salvation.
These are repaid by offering aahuti in Yagas, performing Veda
Adhyayanam under great masters (sages), and performing Tarpana and
Shradda, respectively.
However, these debts are so great that they cannot be repaid in ones
lifetime. The Runa referred to in this Stotra is also the bondage
arising from ones Karma on account of Samsaric association. The Runa
Vimoc-hana Stotram extols the munificent grace of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, as a result of which an individual is absolved of these debts.
The first eight verses glorify various attributes of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, each verse ending with the line " Sri Nrusimham Mahaveeram
Namaami Runa MuktayE " . Verse 9 contains the Phala Shruti for this
Stotram. The salutations Nrusimham and Mahaveeram have their origins
in the most sacred Nrusimhanushtup Mantram.
Deva karya sidhyartham, sabha sthambha samudbhavam,
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Granting boons to devotees takes on special significance in this
context. Sri Bhagwan incarnated as Narasimha from the pillar in
Hiranyakashyap's Sabha to rush to the succor of his Bhakta.
One verse extols the back-to-back forms of Sudarshana and Nrusimha. The
foremost characteristic of the Sudarshana Chakra is to destroy ones
sins and point a supplicant in the direction of the SUPREME.
Sudarshana is the fierce Jwala which forms the center of the Kala
Anala fire at the end of time).
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Oh supremely valorous Bhagavan Nrusimha, salutations to
you! Please absolve me of my debts.
The powers of these slokas are profound and overwhelming and the regular recital of them would invariably relieve everyone of their sufferings and difficulties.
This is a prayer to Lord Narasimha to get rid of the debt of Karma that have to be eliminated without which salvation cannot be achieved.
Significance of Runa Vimoc-hana Narasimha Stotram
This is a powerful sloka that when recited regularly will relieve people of their debts and insolvency however severe and acute.
Recitation of Mantra generates sounds which is divine in character.
This sound is alive and you feel its strength in every part of you. A
spiritual aspirant cannot deny its psychological effect and spiritual
significance. It is in the intrinsic nature of sacred sound to bring
human being into contact with the divine. It enables man to feel the
spiritual presence and to find it in the cavity of his own heart. We
could pray anywhere. But if the prayer is done properly and with
utmost devotion, you get glimpse of the SUPREEM FORCE.
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
The Runa Vimoc-hana Stotram is contained in the Nrusimha Purana. Every
individual incurs three kinds of debt at birth. These
are Deva Runa (debt to the Devas), Rishi Runa (debt to Rishis) and
Pitru Runa (debt to ones ancestors).
The debt could be explained also as the debt of Karma, which we have
to get rid off to attain salvation.
These are repaid by offering aahuti in Yagas, performing Veda
Adhyayanam under great masters (sages), and performing Tarpana and
Shradda, respectively.
However, these debts are so great that they cannot be repaid in ones
lifetime. The Runa referred to in this Stotra is also the bondage
arising from ones Karma on account of Samsaric association. The Runa
Vimoc-hana Stotram extols the munificent grace of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, as a result of which an individual is absolved of these debts.
The first eight verses glorify various attributes of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, each verse ending with the line " Sri Nrusimham Mahaveeram
Namaami Runa MuktayE " . Verse 9 contains the Phala Shruti for this
Stotram. The salutations Nrusimham and Mahaveeram have their origins
in the most sacred Nrusimhanushtup Mantram.
Deva karya sidhyartham, sabha sthambha samudbhavam,
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Granting boons to devotees takes on special significance in this
context. Sri Bhagwan incarnated as Narasimha from the pillar in
Hiranyakashyap's Sabha to rush to the succor of his Bhakta.
One verse extols the back-to-back forms of Sudarshana and Nrusimha. The
foremost characteristic of the Sudarshana Chakra is to destroy ones
sins and point a supplicant in the direction of the SUPREME.
Sudarshana is the fierce Jwala which forms the center of the Kala
Anala fire at the end of time).
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Oh supremely valorous Bhagavan Nrusimha, salutations to
you! Please absolve me of my debts.
Some of the very effective prayers of Lord Narasimha are Sri Narasimha Nakha Stuthi composed by the great Saint, Philosopher and founder of Dvaita Philosophy, Sri Madhvacharya himself and Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Stothram an extract from Sri Nrusimha Purana. Others in the list are Nrusimha Mantra Rajam, Nava Narasimha Mantram, Prahlada Virachita Narasimha Kavacham, Sri Nrusimha Panchamrutha Sthothram (by Lord Sri Rama), Sri Mantrarajapada Sthothram (by Lord Shiva), Sri Narasimha Sthuthi (by Sri Narayana Panditacharya), Sanaischara Virachita Sri Nrusimha Kavacham, Sri Nrusimha Karavalamba Sthothram composed by Sri Aadi Sankaracharya etc.
Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Stothram
Devata karya sidhyartham sabhasthambha samudbhavam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye!!
Lakshmyaalingitha vamangam bhakthanaam varadayakam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye!!
Aantramaladharam, sankhachakrabjaaayudha dhaarinam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Smaranath sarvapapagnam khadruja vishanasanam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Simhanadena mahatha digdhanthi bhayanasanam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Prahlada varadam Srisam daithyeswaravidharanam!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Krooragrahaih peedithanam bhakthanamabhaya pradham!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Vedavedanthayajnesam BrahmaRudradhivandhitham!
Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!
Ya idham patathe nithyam runamochana samjnitham
Anruni jaayathe sadhyo, dhanam seegramavapnuyath
It is believed that Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Stothram is a very powerful prayer that is said to give speedy relief from debts and other financial crisis. This prayer will be very effective when it is chanted during Pradosha time. It is a time tested remedy and will work as an antidote for all types of sufferings as mentioned above. Irrespective of the caste and creed people strongly believe and have faith in Lord Narasimha as a source of instant remedy for many day to day problems. Lord Narasimha bestows health, education, wealth, prosperity, and relieves his devotees from all types of debts (Rinas). One only should have faith in Lord Narasimha and surrender to Him totally, who protects His devotes from internal as well as external enemies and also to overcome the weakness of ignorance.
The powers of these slokas are profound and overwhelming and the regular recital of them would invariably relieve everyone of their sufferings and difficulties.
This is a prayer to Lord Narasimha to get rid of the debt of Karma that have to be eliminated without which salvation cannot be achieved.
Significance of Runa Vimoc-hana Narasimha Stotram
This is a powerful sloka that when recited regularly will relieve people of their debts and insolvency however severe and acute.
Recitation of Mantra generates sounds which is divine in character.
This sound is alive and you feel its strength in every part of you. A
spiritual aspirant cannot deny its psychological effect and spiritual
significance. It is in the intrinsic nature of sacred sound to bring
human being into contact with the divine. It enables man to feel the
spiritual presence and to find it in the cavity of his own heart. We
could pray anywhere. But if the prayer is done properly and with
utmost devotion, you get glimpse of the SUPREEM FORCE.
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
The Runa Vimoc-hana Stotram is contained in the Nrusimha Purana. Every
individual incurs three kinds of debt at birth. These
are Deva Runa (debt to the Devas), Rishi Runa (debt to Rishis) and
Pitru Runa (debt to ones ancestors).
The debt could be explained also as the debt of Karma, which we have
to get rid off to attain salvation.
These are repaid by offering aahuti in Yagas, performing Veda
Adhyayanam under great masters (sages), and performing Tarpana and
Shradda, respectively.
However, these debts are so great that they cannot be repaid in ones
lifetime. The Runa referred to in this Stotra is also the bondage
arising from ones Karma on account of Samsaric association. The Runa
Vimoc-hana Stotram extols the munificent grace of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, as a result of which an individual is absolved of these debts.
The first eight verses glorify various attributes of Sri Bhagavan
Nrusimha, each verse ending with the line " Sri Nrusimham Mahaveeram
Namaami Runa MuktayE " . Verse 9 contains the Phala Shruti for this
Stotram. The salutations Nrusimham and Mahaveeram have their origins
in the most sacred Nrusimhanushtup Mantram.
Deva karya sidhyartham, sabha sthambha samudbhavam,
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Granting boons to devotees takes on special significance in this
context. Sri Bhagwan incarnated as Narasimha from the pillar in
Hiranyakashyap's Sabha to rush to the succor of his Bhakta.
One verse extols the back-to-back forms of Sudarshana and Nrusimha. The
foremost characteristic of the Sudarshana Chakra is to destroy ones
sins and point a supplicant in the direction of the SUPREME.
Sudarshana is the fierce Jwala which forms the center of the Kala
Anala fire at the end of time).
Sri nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye.
Oh supremely valorous Bhagavan Nrusimha, salutations to
you! Please absolve me of my debts.
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